Thursday, August 21, 2008

Top 5 Sure-Fire Ways To Be Excused From A Meeting

1. Say your dealer just called and the cops are confiscating your part of the stash.

2. Wet your pants and tell everyone that "it happens when I'm excited"

3. Aim your laser pointer at people's genitals and yell "Keep your hands where I can see them!"

4. Start to yawn, then slowly progress to sleeping on the table and finally slump lifelessly to the floor

5. Begin to ask a question, with "Excuse me, you make a valid point there but why...M! C! A! It's fun to stay at the YMCA-ay!


Anonymous said...

LOL...Good friday joke.

B.H. said...

Thanks Will.

Come to think of it that's a good excuse too; Good Friday.
