Thursday, July 31, 2008
I'm In Love With My Boss Poem
I'm In Love With My Boss
I gaze at him from my little corner space,
Him in his three piece suit with his serious face,
When will he realise that we belong with each other,
Hopefully before I get matchmade by my meddlesome old mother.
We cross paths at the water cooler and he gives me a smile,
My heart stops beating and I float for awhile,
I'm writing this down in my diary tonight next to his hair,
I bribed his barber for a lock of it when he got his haircut there.
He drops a stack of files as he passes my desk,
Yes! My camera phone got a nice picture of his tight toned ass,
The other bitches here have a crush on him too,
Just wait till I teach them a lesson in the office loo.
On my days off I park outside his house and watch him strut his fine self,
My friends say this is bad for me but what do they know about mental health?,
I've asked him so many times to let me be a part of his life,
But just because I'm a guy he thinks I can't be a good wife.
Stop watching your boss and back to work!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Out Of Office Reply
I am currently away from my desk attending a mandatory but entirely redundant training course. I will be unable to reply all the emails received until I return the following Monday morning of which you can be assured that I will delete all of them accordingly using the First In First Out method.
By the way, I will also be undergoing surgery to remove an appendage. When I return I hope you will address me as Roberta.
Yours truly,
Robert Flack
31st July 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
Your Job: Myth vs Truth Part 2

The Truth: You are a frighteningly unethical salesman, you are so devious that you could sell the idea of Stevie Wonder chauffeur services. Everything out of your mouth is basically BS being spun in a positive light to deceive naive or materialistic people. You are only interested in helping unscrupulous companies make more profits regardless of the negative effect it may have on youth and society in the long term. Your expertise is creating needs that don't exist and making the world a shallower place. Enjoy that blood money while you can, you heartless capitalist.
The Myth: Y

The Truth: Everyone hates you. It's true. You are the office "Two Face" because you are nice to everyone but stab everyone who trusts you in the back to ensure the best possible situation for management.. You have no identity of your own anymore because you have been consistently brainwashed with company cliche values and policies. You live, breathe the company to the point people can't stomach the sight of you. Your job mainly involves making sure everyone goes by the book and that a totalitarian (but upbeat!) rule is established. You are despicable and possibly Judas Iscariot reincarnated.
7. Business Consultant

The Myth: You are a mercenary who peddles trite and rehashed ideas your company stole from the Harvard Business School syllabus. All you do is pretend to observe obvious faults of an organization and proceed to provide anodyne, generic solutions that will probably fail so that you can charge your client for a second consult. Your days are mostly spent "analyzing" a company's activities and personnel in which you will not decipher anything but it doesn't matter as long as you clock in the hours. Basically you are a glorified business textbook who gained a misplaced sense of confidence after watching every single season of The Apprentice.

The Truth: You are a 40 year old virgin (online alias: Neo) and you live in your parents basement. Your only friend is the one you created for yourself on Second Life and the highlight of the week for you is reenacting Return Of The Jedi with costumes your mum made (once in awhile she'll play Princess Leia). At work, you are stuck in a dark, dingy corner unfit for Quasimodo and you are only seen when some moron needs you to reboot his PC. Once, you actually interacted with the office hottie and since then you dream about her every night. You don't see her around the office anymore. Not since you started that tribute site in her honor. Must be a coincidence, right?
Time to reevaluate your careers!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Your Job: Myth vs Truth Part 1

The Myth: You are meticulous, diligent and persistent. Nothing gets past you and you will crunch those numbers till kingdom come if that's what it takes to balance those figures. You are sponsored by your firm to pursue your professional qualification and from then on it's smooth sailing to the point you assume the CFO mantle.
2. Investment Banker

The Truth: You are a glorified answering machine. Even the cleaning crew serve more of a purpose than you. Your job is menial and facetious but you deluded yourself into thinking the company and clients can't do without your "expertise". You get more complaints than the Bush administration and spend most of your time watching David Cook videos on Youtube while pretending to write your groundbreaking reports. You would be the first person the company "lets go" in the event of a restructure and no one would notice if you were gone. You will most likely be on Prozac or seek therapy to cope with your descension into dementia.

The Truth: Get real. You are dumb, lazy, incompetent and did I say dumb? Your job pays peanuts which makes you a monkey. Everyday that you are above ground is a curse on humanity. You come in to work at 10 am, leave at 4 pm. In between you drink more tea than the whole of China could provide and gossip about local and foreign celebrities or your next door neighbour. You got your job because of nepotism and favouritism (and because someone is behind you and has your back). The only good thing about you is that you make the people mentioned above seem like Stephen Hawking by comparison.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
How To Tell If Your Colleague Is A Superhero
The Colleague

4. Despite not being around much, always gets the job done (and darn well too!)

Now go find out if your friendly neighborhood colleague is more than what he seems!
How To Tell If Your Boss Is A Superhero
The Boss

2. He never shows up at the office but always has plenty of free time for social events and fundraisers

9. People who pose a threat or disagree with him mysteriously vanish
10. He disappears for weeks and returns like no time has gone by but no one dares question him
Does your boss exhibit any of these signs? With great power comes great possibilities!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Top 10 Office Pranks Part 2
Pranksters: The training class at
Scene of the Crime:, based in Livingston, Montana
The Mission: While William Malek was in technical service representative training, he had to leave the office for two weeks to fly back to Stanford and wrap up some teaching engagements. While he was away, the rest of the training class at got together and ran all of his equipment, including his mouse, computer screen, keyboard and phone through their shrink wrapping machine in the bindery.
Prank #7: Pranking the Pranksters
Pranksters: The employees at WRBV-TV, as told by Brian Eckert, former program director and production manager at the station. He's now the director of Media and Public Relations at the University of Richmond.
Scene of the Crime: WRBV-TV, Channel 65 in Vineland, New Jersey
The Mission: Eckert was out of the office the afternoon before April Fools' Day about 20 years ago. He and his co-workers had been involved in an escalating series of practical jokes. In his absence, his fellow employees got the key to his office and turned everything upside down, including the furniture, papers and office equipment. Unbeknownst to them, Eckert arrived unusually early the next day. He was stunned at what they'd done but decided to one-up their stunt. So he turned everything right-side up and left the office to get coffee before everyone arrived. When he got back, he unlocked his office and walked in like normal, pretending not to know what happened as they peeked into his office with confused looks on their faces. Unless they're reading this now, Eckert says they still don't know what went wrong with their April Fools' Day stunt.
Prank #8: Caught in the Act
Prankster: Hans Engebretson, senior account executive
Scene of the Crime: OLSON, based in Minneapolis
The Mission: Advertising agency OLSON was in the middle of a dispute with the city concerning a 10-foot-tall brick statue atop their office building. Officials had asked the statue be removed, however OLSON argued the "Brick Man" was both their icon and a piece of art. Hoping to get CEO John Olson fired up about the dispute, Engebretson left Olson a stern message from his own cell phone, disguising his voice and warning him that the agency was being fined $400 for each day that passed since their violation notice, which at that point totaled $12,000. Olson panicked and called the agency's COO. After hearing her advice, he called the number back, but Engebretson was on another call with a client so couldn't answer. The call went to voicemail, and Olson discovered the prank. Though he sprinted toward Engebretson's desk red-faced and head shaking, they all got a good laugh out of it. OLSON won the battle, and the "Brick Man" remains on the rooftop to this day.
Prank #9: Is That Your Final Answer?
Pranksters: Kimberly Hassler, former copy writer, along with co-worker Jeff White. Hassler is now a writer with Lehigh Valley Hospital and Health Networks in Allentown, Pennsylvania.
Scene of the Crime: Lieberman-Appalucci, based in Allentown, Pennsylvania
The Mission: The senior copy writer at Lieberman-Appalucci, John, wanted to be on Who Wants to be a Millionaire in the worst way. He told White he had qualified for the show the night before when he called an 800-number and was anticipating a call that day. He warned the receptionist to page him if anyone called and no matter what, not to put any calls into his voice mail. White lured John away from his desk, while Hassler, a regular prankster, placed a fake call to him saying she was a producer with the show and would like him to call back. When John returned to his office, he saw he had a message and was annoyed with the receptionist.
He frantically punched the number into his phone (which was the real number to ABC Studios in New York) and told the person who answered what he was calling about and was put on hold. Meanwhile, Hassler walked into his office and asked if she could have a month off from work to travel. When he said no, she asked, "Is that your final answer?" When he said yes, she asked again, and he realized what she was doing.
Prank #10: The Intern and the Press Release
Pranksters: Jeff Hardison, former account executive, along with co-worker Nate James. Hardison is now employed with McClenahan Bruer Communications, based in Portland, Oregon.
Scene of the Crime: A Portland, Oregon-based advertising and PR firm
The Mission: Around April 1, 2000, different teams within Hardison's former company were hiring so many new employees that the current ones were growing upset by all the new faces they didn't have a role in approving. So Hardison and co-worker, James, worked with their IT administrator to create a fake e-mail address for a "new intern" named something like Jessica Benet Ramsfeld. They sent out an e-mail to the entire company from her address, laden with misspellings and teenage slang. The scenario: Since "Jessica's" supervisors were out of the office for her first day, she ended up having to send out a news release about a new ice cream flavor for their gourmet food client. The ice cream flavor was going to be called "Spirit Cow" in honor of the Dalai Lama's visit. They attached a horribly written news release about the ice cream, with "Jessica" explaining that the release had already crossed the wire. People flipped--especially new employees who felt threatened.
Now go put these pranks into practice!
Top 10 Office Pranks
Prank #1: Foiled Again … and Again and Again.
Prankster: Michael Casto, former VP of design and now chief creative officer at Mindsalt Design & PR in Louisville, Kentucky
Scene of the Crime: An ad agency in Louisville
The Mission: Creative guru Casto decided to "foil" a co-worker while he was out of town on business. Despite inclement weather, including a tornado warning, nothing was going to stop Casto from wrapping every single item in the co-worker's office in aluminum foil. The mission, which required two industrial-size rolls of foil, took three people an hour and a half to pull off.
Prank #2: What's Wrong With My Mouse?
Prankster: Jerry Ostergaard, former PR director, now employed by Devry Inc. in Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois
Scene of the Crime: Allegiance Telecom, Inc., based in Dallas
The Mission: Ostergaard's joke is pretty simple to set up, but it managed to stump his IT technician. Ostergaard placed a small Post-It note with the words "April Fools!" written on it underneath his co-worker's mouse. When the technician attempted to use it, the track ball was ineffective. After about 10 minutes, he finally figured it out.
Prank #3: Always Cover Your Tracks
Prankster: Becky Boyd, former computer sales representative, now employed with MediaFirst PR, Atlanta
Scene of the Crime: Hewlett-Packard Company, based in Atlanta
The Mission: While working at Hewlett-Packard, Boyd's manager, Mark, always had a jar of M&Ms on his desk that he'd dive into every day. One of Boyd's co-workers, Bill, was known for being rather anti-social and grouchy, so one April Fools' Day, they decided to play a joke on him. As soon as Bill got up from his desk, Boyd and her cohorts stole the jar of M&Ms from Mark's desk and left a trail of chocolate on the floor leading to Bill's desk and hid the nearly empty jar in Bill's credenza.
Mark returned to his office and immediately noticed his M&Ms were missing. He followed the long trail through the rows of desks to where Bill was sitting. When he opened Bill's credenza and found the jar, Bill was shocked, but his fellow employees got quite a laugh.
Prank #4: A Prank with Potential
Pranksters: Emily Brand, account executive, with the help of her co-workers
Scene of the Crime: The Cannon Group, based in New York
The Mission: This covert plan hasn't happened yet--but it's set to go for this Monday, April 2. Brand and her co-workers are planning to pull a prank on their boss. Everyone plans on calling in with some type of excuse, leaving an empty office. The best part of the trick: A new hire is scheduled to start that day. But they won't be leaving the two alone for long. The co-workers plan on meeting at a local bakery to pick up breakfast for their boss before showing up at the office at the same time to say, "April Fools!"
Prank #5: A Joke That Ends with "I Quit!"
Pranksters: The employees of Dave Syferd & Partners, as told by Katie Robertson, PR account coordinator for Dave Syferd & Partners
Scene of the Crime: Dave Syferd & Partners, based in Seattle
The Mission: When Vandy Kindred, partner and creative director for advertising and public relations firm Dave Syferd & Partners went on vacation, he had no idea what he'd be coming back to. The day before he planned on returning, employees banded together to move the contents of his office into a small cubicle. Instead of leaving his former office empty, they set it up for the president of a company who leased cubicle space from them. When Kindred stepped into his former office the next day, he was instantly baffled by the new arrangement. After asking co-workers what was going on, they escorted him to his small cubicle, and he angrily fled the office.
Instead of allowing the company to demote him, Kindred decided to drive to Canada and become a park ranger. When his fellow employees hadn't heard from him for a few hours, they called him since he was expected to record audio for a client. Kindred was already sitting in line to cross into Canada, but decided to return to work in Seattle after an employee explained the joke.
Come back tomorrow for Part 2!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Faking it !! How to guide on missing work...

Gossip boy

Question is... how some people can actually fake it sooo well that nobody notices and still think they're god damn good at their work while some are actually tagged up their arse as a LAZY USELESS piece of work?
(pix) Pak ULAH
Here's a few tip on faking it so good even the Thai ladyboys (pix below) would want to learn from you...

(pix) The Ultimate Thai Lady Boy
1) Get like minded ULARs in your team
Great minds think a like ...greater minds think how to snake together.... gossip boy says... so make sure you got your ULAR friend at the office handy at times when your ULAR session is bout to be discovered by your boss... lets face it ..."sepandai pandai ular mengular akhirnya jadi sup ular juga".. so your fellow conspirator has to be ready to pick up some slack JUST in case you ULAR session goes awry... an example of a fellow ULAR covering for another ULAR goes like this....
ULAR 1 : "Homes, cover for me. I feel like leaving office early today. Just tell boss I was in the toilet la then i chow"
ULAR 2 : "Okok... will do" (while surfing facebook)
BOSS ULAR : "Where ULAR 1 ah? Ask him to write down meeting minutes can take two weeks to type the damn thing and still got spelling mistakes. Bloody hell"
ULAR 2: " He went toilet la boss. Say got big project. Maybe won't be back to Office"
BOSS ULAR : "WTF. Ask him to see me NOW!!!"
ULAR 2 flips out H/P to call ULAR 1
ULAR 2 : "Woi...U die la tai lo...why so noisy one?? Wahhh fast happy hour???"" you deal with your fellow would only be a matter of time before they shed their skin and reveal their true colours...make sure they don't use it against you in the future...just in case!
2) Faking an MC...
(pix) You're the best if you can fake this...
If you feel like ULARing away for the entire day but you're not sick...and you discover you only got 1 day left in your annual leave...maybe you would consider FAKING an MC... wouldn't be advisable to buy MCs..because 1) It involves money..current market rate RM 20...(inflation so price went up) 2) It's unethical 3) Why buy when you can use your Co. Medical Card and get free consultation of all..FREE MC!!
How To...

Step 1: Find around your neighbourhood a few dodgy clinics ... those with branches and lots of locum doctors are the best...they just don't bother if they've issued 1000 mcs a day ...its all bout the mooollaaaahh... why a few?? hey...even the bosses are not stupid...if you got a regular supplier of MC..even the HR people would start doing their work and begin to stupid!!

Step 2: Wake up early in the morn...brush your teeth..(you don't want the doctor to smell your morning breath) ...don't bath...mess up your hair and while in the car to go to the clinic...blast your air cond towards your particular lip area...

Step 3: At clinic...look sorrowful like a sad lost puppy to gain some sympathy votes...walk as though you are on your death you took some pot...eyes downwards...display your chapped lips prominently to gain his / her attention...and among list of diseases easiest to pass through undetected and unharmed by any ass prober or worse...jabs!!...are 1) "tummy ache...been going to the toilet 24 times since last night..." 2) "migraine...i think i am too stressed out to go to probing pain...sniff sniff.... 3) "hangover...had too much to drink when entertaining client yesterday...vomitted yesterday...and now dehydrated....

Step 4: Try not to smile too hard when asking for MC...or even better..if the doctor actually offers you MC...act hesitantly as though there's something super duper urgent at work for you to do for 4 seconds then accept...anything more than 4 seconds the doctor will smell a bullshit at work...
Step 5: Head back home joyously and go back to sleep...mission accomplished!!! yea!!!
Monday, July 14, 2008
The Boss Replies To Previous Post (Missing Work)
Being the fair and virtuous people that we are, we have decided to allow an employer to post his reply to our previous post on how to miss work. Here goes!
So you want a day off. Let's take a look at what you are asking for. There are 365 days per year available for work. There are 52 weeks per year in which you already have 2 days off per week, leaving 261 days available for work. Since you spend 16 hours each day away from work, you have used up 170 days, leaving only 91 days available. You spend 30 minutes each day on coffee break which counts for 23 days each year, leaving only 68 days available. With a 1 hour lunch each day, you used up another 46 days, leaving only 22 days available for work. You normally spend 2 days per year on sick leave. This leaves you only 20 days per year available for work. We are off 5 holidays per year, so your available working time is down to 15 days. We generously give 14 days vacation per year which leaves only 1 day available for work and I'll be darned if you are going to take that day off!
The Boss.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Top Five Excuses For Missing Work

2. My car exploded

3. My route was blocked by a political protest

4. The line at Starbucks was long
5. I just got out of jail this morning
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Office Prank: You're Being Replaced!

Cost (low) - you can go the cheap route and put the job ad up on all free sites or you could pay some money and put it up on a big job site.
Risk (low) - there’s really not a big risk for you except for maybe falsely advertising a job that doesn’t exist (which is cruel for the people that’ll call as you are wasting their time).
Fill out an ad for the job your coworker does. Put their phone number and email as the contact info and make sure to put in some interesting job requirements.
Put the ad up on your favorite job listing sites (JobStreet, JObsDB, Monster)
Depending on what you put on your ad, you’ll get different results. If you went the obvious and easy route, like putting down a high amount of pay with low requirements, your victim should get a lot of phone calls and emails, which will either scare him a bit that his job might actually be open.
However, you could also go a more creative route by putting down some interesting requirements. Perhaps the applicants all must speak a certain language that isn’t English, or must all send in essays on why most people (like your victim) don’t do their job well. You could really have some fun with it, but keep in mind that you are going to be wasting the time of some actual job applicants!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Suggested Alternative Careers for Conventional Boring Office People Part 1

Gossip boy
"Work life is like a box of chocolates, you know you are getting an expired box if it's too good to be true"...Gossip boy
You might happen to have thoughts of just slapping your collegues a few good times, stick a 'KICK ME' sign at the back of the office goofball with permanent glue and do the Stone Cold Steve Austin on your boss punya head a few good assured... i feel you
Then maybe its time to consider alternative careers which might not be too steep of a corporate ladder to climb, but nonetheless i am sure it's more fulfilling than what you currently are experiencing as of right now and morally and spiritually upLiFTING (sad self consoling effort of an underachiever)
Here are one or two alternative careers that might interest you
1) DIGI Yellow Man (the fatty)
People are more receptive of you
You're always BRIGHT and in centre of attention
Kids love least somebody does now
You get to stalk people without excuse and sing I will folo u...
International Assignments might be a possibility
Racist Employment... La La Chinese only
Feng Shui masters might want to kidnap you...remember the DIGI ad?
2) Mat Rempit

You might be the next Valentino Rossi
Easy Bohsia girls and Easier bapuks... "easy like Sunday Morning" aka Lionel Ritchie
You might be the next big star in "KL Menjerit" or "Kampung Baru Rangers" or "Mami Jarum" or "Jangan Main Belakang"
You get a free trip to North Pole to skydive from your UMNO friends
No need to follow traffic rules... who does anyway?

Things might get a bit "hairy" when the cops are in town
You might lose your wallet
Have cops on your back
or even worse

Or even worse...lose your head...haha
Monday, July 7, 2008
"My Boss" Poem
My Boss
He talks like he's from Harvard but he dropped out of high school,
My boss says he saved the company when times were dire,
Except for the time he got slapped with a sexual harassment lawsuit,
Like the time he sent us this picture of his year end vacation.

Sunday, July 6, 2008
Employee Evaluation

3. wasting company time talking to colleagues. Anna never
4. thinks twice about assisting fellow employees, and she always
5. finishes given assignments on time. Often Anna takes extended
6. measures to complete her work, sometimes skipping coffee
7. breaks. Anna is an individual who has absolutely no
8. vanity in spite of her high accomplishments and profound
9. knowledge in her field. I firmly believe that Anna can be
10. classed as a high-caliber employee, the type which cannot be
11. dispensed with. Consequently, I duly recommend that Anna be
12. promoted to executive management, and a proposal will be
13. executed as soon as possible.
A memo was soon sent following the initial letter.
That idiot was reading over my shoulder while I wrote the report sent to you earlier today. Kindly read only the odd numbered lines above (1, 3, 5, etc...) for my true assessment of her.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Types Of People At Work Part 3
Enjoy the final installment of Types Of People At Work!

The Old Bag of the office aka Old Lady aka Ancient Relic is the office stalwart who has been there since the beginning of time. She wears clothes your grandmama wouldn't be caught dead in and smells like a funeral parlor. For some reason she still comes to the office every day and no one knows what she really does.
There are two kinds of Old Bags basically, one the benign and benevolent one (seen knitting here) and the other is The Bitch at an advanced age. The Kind Old Bag is harmless except for the fact that she puts people to sleep with stories of her great-great-great grandchildren. The Mean Old Bag despises anyone younger than her and is out to get you. To defy her efforts, simply call the old folks' home and report a missing resident. Before they arrive, slip a sleeping pill into her tea. When she wakes up and realizes where she is, she might not even want to come back to work.
8. The Goofball
The Office Goofball is the life of the party. The fun in funny. The, oh well you get it. He can be your best friend when you are in need of some serious bro-time or to fool aro

However the Goofball is not reliable when it comes to his job and if you are his friend, this could compromise your relationship. To make sure all work and no play doesn't make Jack dull, orchestrate silly competitions based around work. First person to make a 100 sales gets a free round of drinks after work! Highest number of orders processed in a day gets an extra round on the office Playstation (yes, some offices do have them).
9. The Boss
There are basically two types of Bosses (gender notwithstanding): adept and inept.
The adept Boss is seen as the ideal manager, capable of motivating subordinates to achieve long term organizational

The inept boss just talks a lot and goes to lunch with clients and/or plays golf with them. Unfortunately most of us are stuck with this boss. There is not much you can do for they arrived at their position through contacts or plain dumb luck. To handle a Boss of this calibre, refer to "How To Look Busy At Work". These are surefire ways to fool your genius of a Boss. Also, you might want to learn their idiosyncracies and use them to win your boss's favor. You called, Boss? Coming!!
A presto!
What sort of Office Politician are you? Part 1

wei liv nal...
1. Najib Razak

You are a Najib Razak when ...

2. You don't look too bright but you're actually pretty smart in navigating away from trouble and keeping the company just afloat w/out exerting your brain cells too you use it to your greatest advantage at office
3. You're a guru in the 'buat bodoh' expression and always get away with it at office when scandals explode around you in office
4. You've got a pretty good eye on all the office ladies... whenever your wife is not around
5.You're 'explosive!' and blow your competitors away in many kinds of ways
6. You're favorite words are "Matter solved" and "Be cool"
7. You favorite food is Mongolian fried chicken
8. If you're married... you're constantly henpecked by your wife and she helps you run meetings at times... especially big ones...
9. You 'anal' with your work and like to enter from the back office door...
10. Your most likely in Purchasing Department or in Russian Business Development
2. Khairy J

You're a Khairy at the office when...
1. You are a young superstar / up and coming hotshot at're boss loves're colleagues secretly loathes you..and the secretaries adore you...
2. You're most likely somebody's son in law as well... the boss in most cases
3. You're foreign grad... oxbridge or oxford brookes or some 3 + 0 programmes and most of the time... the reputation exceeds you true capability...
4. You get your way in the office by secretly manipulating the boss and you keep secret files on all your colleagues just in case they decide to spill the beans on you
5. You're brash, ignorant of people's ideas and push your weight around to make sure the office goes your way or the highway...
6. You like Maya Karin
7. You're most likely a management associate, special projects officer in the CEO's office or in the strategic planning department
3. Samy V

1. You're the old goat of the office whose been in the same company longer than the office've seen many office regimes rise and fall and yet you're still around in the same chair and desk in the same god damn position
2. You talk shit and brag alot... mostly bout how the good auld days are over and things in the company are better when so and so were around..
3. You're a kiss ass to the boss and you lick him dry till he can't stand your face but he don't have the heart to actually lay you off
4. You're always in charge of collecting donations, funeral 'pak kham', sports day fees, birthday cake fees, and the list goes on...
5. You can never accept new ways of doing things and chances are you tried using your typewriter till today instead of microsoft word
6 Everyone volunteers to organize your retirement party at an earlier date than your actual retirement day for some unknown reason...
wei liv nal
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Types Of People At Work Part 2

6. The HR Rep

Fret not, for the HR Rep is but a man after working hours. To show him that he is accepted as part of the office and not just a necessary nuisance, invite him out to drinks after work. Show him a good time. Snap a few pictures of him downing tequila shots and harassing barmaids. Listen to him spill the secrets of your colleagues. Now you have your own HR file. Use wisely and only in emergencies where your job is threatened.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Types Of People At Work Part 1

The Douchebag is fond of hip industry jargon and will use it even in unsuitable contexts, he also has a tacky workspace decorated with pictures of himself, scantily clad women or cheesy motivational posters. To manipulate the douchebag, compliment him on his clothes, hair or recent "achievements". He will then be pleased enough to help with your request. But bear in mind that he will never let you (or anyone in the office) forget about it.
2. The Bimbo
The office Bimbo is the typical dimwitted female

The Bimbo can often be found in administrative positions or in customer service where her perkiness and feminine wiles are put to good use. To befriend the Bimbo, start gossiping with her about the latest office scandal or ask her where she got her fetching shoes. She will be most pleased and invite you to a marathon screening of Sex And the City. If you survive, use her insider knowledge for your own insidious agenda.
3. The Weirdo

The Weirdo is the easiest to toy with but the most unstable. Approach him at lunch (he'll be sitting alone, as always) and talk to him. He will repay you with a lifelong friendship and all the data he has on your colleagues stolen from company resources and intranet databases. Keep the police on speedial if you intend to continue using the office Weirdo.
Stay tuned for our second installment of "Types Of People At Work"!