Thursday, July 31, 2008

I'm In Love With My Boss Poem

Good day office drones! Today we bring you another original poem from the Cubiclues team. Have fun!

I'm In Love With My Boss

I gaze at him from my little corner space,
Him in his three piece suit with his serious face,
When will he realise that we belong with each other,
Hopefully before I get matchmade by my meddlesome old mother.

We cross paths at the water cooler and he gives me a smile,
My heart stops beating and I float for awhile,
I'm writing this down in my diary tonight next to his hair,
I bribed his barber for a lock of it when he got his haircut there.

He drops a stack of files as he passes my desk,
Yes! My camera phone got a nice picture of his tight toned ass,
The other bitches here have a crush on him too,
Just wait till I teach them a lesson in the office loo.

On my days off I park outside his house and watch him strut his fine self,
My friends say this is bad for me but what do they know about mental health?,
I've asked him so many times to let me be a part of his life,
But just because I'm a guy he thinks I can't be a good wife.

Stop watching your boss and back to work!


Anonymous said...

"just because I'm a guy he thinks I can't be a good wife"
Lol..what s twist! hahaha:) its hilarious though:) good job

B.H. said...

Thanks Claire. At least some one appreciates the humor of this prose device.

Come back soon!


Jaishana Logan said...

i had a hot boss once. Very hawt! But the only difference is i didnt take pics of his ass or have a lock of his hair or stalk him! Interesting post though =)

B.H. said...

Thanks much, you should see my other blog. It will blow your mind.


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